Best Android Course In Ghaziabad

Best Android Course In Ghaziabad

4.5 out of 5 based on 3316 reviews

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Best Android Course In Ghaziabad


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Best Android Training in Ghaziabad Overview

4.8 out of 5 based on 4857 Votes.

Are you Looking for the Best Institute for Android Training in Ghaziabad? DUCAT offers Android APP Development training classes with live project by expert trainer in Ghaziabad. Our Android Course in Ghaziabad is specially designed for Under-Graduates (UG), Graduates, working professional and also for Freelancers. We provide end to end learning on Android Domain with deeper dives for creating a winning career for every profile.

What is Android Technology?

Android is a linux based OS for mobile devices such as tablet computers and smartphones and it is also a software package. It is developed by Android inc. and later bought by Google inc. in 2005 & later the OHA (Open Handset Alliance). Java language is mainly used to write the android code even though other languages can be used to make android application.

The goal is to create a successful product that will improve the mobile experience for end users when they use Android based smartphones. There are many code names of android such as Lollipop, Kitkat, Jelly Bean, Ice cream Sandwich, Froyo, Ecliar, Donut and the latest one is Android 10.

After the discovery of Android, the scenario of present day innovation has experienced a very big change. This Operating Sys...

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Learn The Essential Skills

Learn The Essential Skills

Earn Certificates And Degrees

Earn Certificates And Degrees

Get Ready for The Next Career

Get Ready for The Next Career

Master at Different Areas

Master at Different Areas

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What You Will Learn?

  • App Development Fundamentals: You'll grasp the foundational concepts of Android app development, including user interface design, activity lifecycle management, and resource utilization.
  • Java/Kotlin Programming: You'll delve into Java or Kotlin programming languages to build robust Android applications, understanding concepts like data types, loops, conditionals, and object-oriented programming principles.
  • UI/UX Design: You'll learn how to design engaging and intuitive user interfaces (UI) and user experiences (UX) for Android apps, utilizing tools like XML layouts, material design guidelines, and responsive design techniques.
  • Data Storage and Management: Explore various methods of data storage and management in Android, including SQLite databases, SharedPreferences, and content providers, enabling efficient data handling and retrieval within your applications.
  • API Integration: You'll discover how to integrate APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) into your Android apps, enabling features like networking, accessing device sensors, location-based services, and leveraging external data sources to enrich app functionality.

Skill you will gain

  • Mobile App Development

  • User Interface Design

  • Database Integration

  • Debugging and Testing

Explore Modules of this course

Introduction to Android

Brief history of Android What is Android? Why is Android important? What benefits does Android have? Terms and acronyms

Installation and Configuration of Android

Details about the software requirement Download and installation process of Android SDK How to select Android version? Android studio

Getting Started

How to select Android version? Step to create new project Running Your Application Creation of New AVD Creation of New AVD

Introductions to Application Components Activities

Services Broadcast receivers Notifications Activating and shutting down components Brief idea about activities and Task

Android Component Life Cycle

Activity Life Cycle with sample program Service Life Cycle with sample program

Android Layouts

What are views, Layouts and there classification? How Android Draws views and Layout Classification? Table Layout ln detail with Example Frame Layout ln detail with Example

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