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.NET also known as Dot Net is an open source development framework used for building a wide variety of applications for mobile and desktop. Dot Net consists of Framework Class Library (FCL) and the Common Language Runtime (CLR) which makes it compatible with different programming languages and operating systems. Dot Net is cost effective and user friendly making it an ideal framework for developers. Here is a list of benefits of Dot Net Course in Gurgaon:
1. Interoperability - Dot Net framework assists developer in building application using a variety of languages such as C#, F# and VB.Net. Dot Net makes it easier for developers to build applications since they have plenty of options to choose from when it comes to programming languages.
2. Compatibility - Dot Net framework is compatible with a variety of programming languages and operating systems.
3. Reliability - Dot Net has been used for developing several applications for many decades which makes it quite reliable when it comes to choosing a framework for application development.
4. Portability - Dot Net is also compatible with all the windows platforms which makes it easier for developers to run applications.
5. Memory management - Dot Net has an excellent memory management system known as the garbage collector which constantly keeps on checking the resources to free up memory.
6. Large class library - As mentioned earlier Dot Net has a massive library of reusable codes making...
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C# Programming
ASP.NET Web Development
MVC (Model-View-Controller) Architecture
Database Connectivity
Understanding the .NET Framework Common Language Runtime (CLR) Common Type System (CTS) .NET Languages (C#, VB.NET, F#, etc.) Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
C# Syntax and Fundamentals Data Types and Variables Control Structures (if statements, loops, etc.) Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Concepts Exception Handling Delegates and Events
Working with .NET Classes Collections and Generics File I/O and Serialization Threading and Asynchronous Programming
Introduction to Web Development with ASP.NET Creating Web Forms Web Controls and Validation ASP.NET State Management ASP.NET Security